Worldwide Racquetball Day: September 7-8, 2024

In her shared role on the USAR Membership Committee, NMRA President Cindy Tilbury recently updated plans to host a second WORLDWIDE series of racquetball events on a single weekend – set for September 7-8, 2024.
Program and tournament directors worldwide are invited to host a round-robin, self-refereed, no-frills tournament to showcase the sport the FIRST weekend of September. Membership numbers are climbing, but it’s crucial to keep connecting non-member fans to the larger player base – and you can take part!
Organizer or player – or both? You can always play if you don’t feel experienced enough to run a small shootout … but if you’re willing to learn and give it a chance, consider hosting too. Along with help from veteran regional coordinators, you’ll get sample formats and materials, suggestions and access to R2Sports event management tools to organize your mini-event. View the online toolkit to see what’s available for download today >>
With your commitment – at facilities small or large, Indoor or out – EVERY open court across the globe could be in use for participants to join in the fun – all on a single weekend. International federations on every continent are on board – so help make sure that tournament directors add their events to the list to build the world map >>
If you have ideas or want to get involved with the Worldwide Racquetball Day team, contact Cindy Tilbury at 303.888.4461.