That’s Commitment
Mark Frank fits neatly into the NMRA demographic. He's an avid 60+ competitor on the Master's circuit, a successful business owner, proud father, and literal groundbreaker.
Mark & Landin Frank
In 2014, he began acquiring unique properties to establish the Frank Hotels chain, which continues to grow in both the rugged Northwest and coastal Southeast. A decade later, he's now expanding his own home front in Washington state by adding a free-standing, regulation racquetball court just past the garage. It eliminates two-hours of drive time into town for practice. It's every player's dream.
Also this year, Mark's off-court commitment advanced to the next level when he secured title sponsorship of the Frank Hotels IRF World Senior Championship. For the first time in the history of both events, the NMRA International and IRF World Seniors have partnered to offer age-group athletes a single, summertime opportunity to seek a major title. There may not be one Frank Hotels room night available for booking in...